Welcome to our web site!
Our scope of supply has grown from sole technical consulting to a wider
range of problemsolving. Chose your spesific need below, or visit all our sites. We will do our best to assist
in solving your challenges. Our international operation is baced in Norway where we are registrered as NuLife
For technical assistance within project management, waste incineration, process optimisation etc. continue
on the menu in the left frame. Bjørn will be glad to assist you in any technical and/or environmental challenge you
may have.
Using Grander technology in your industry- or environmental challenge will most likely give you better operational
results and a rapid payback.
Let us help you utilise the benefits of Grander water technology.
Anywhere water is used, Grander technology will most likely give you an advantage. The only technology
with a satisfaction guarantee.
Grander technology, Norway
Grander international
NuLife NUF, Haukelikroken 6, 1415 Oppegård, Norway
org. nr. NO 988 395 927 mva
Norwegian dept. of Sikker Drift Ltd, Cardiff, UK
UK 54 88 025